Essentially it's just a collection of my wattpad poetry.
Well, all I was able to find of it that is.
Over the years I've spent on wattpad, I've occasionally commented my own original poetry every now and then in a response of sorts to things. I didn't make back up versions of most of it anywhere (in the beginning), so much of it I have a lot of trouble finding. They are comments I made somewhere in the mass expanse of stories I've read, buried in chapters, or seemingly lost to the disappearance of conversations. You may or may not have seen some already in the pages of a wattpad story somewhere. If you manage to find any I haven't included in here, I'd really appreciate it if you'd let me know and possibly direct me to where you found it. That way I can include it in here too. Thankyou. ^-^
It's poetry,
"Take time to smell the roses"
when we are all busy chasing
the name, fame, and dreams
where we forget
almost ourselves and
the surrounding beautiful things
to see in this chaotic life.
it's to inspire all those little things
and value our precious lives
and cherish the moments we
Share in the journey.