Kabir Singh actress, Kiara Advani has been basking in the success of the film. The film, which also starred Shahid Kapoor, has made a total of INR 350 crores on the box office worldwide making it the highest grossing Bollywood movie of 2019. The actress has been in the capital, New Delhi, shooting for her next film, Guilty. During her stay in Delhi, the gorgeous Kiara Advani, played muse to ace couture designer Amit Aggarwal, as she graced the ramp for his India Couture Week '19 show. Donning a red lehenga, with a plunging neckline she looked absolutely sensational. After wrapping up the shooting of Karan Johar's upcoming film, Guilty, Kiara returned to Mumbai on the day of her birthday.
With every passing day, celebrity airport style is getting better and better and Kiara Advani recent look is a proof. Kiara was spotted at the airport rocking a modern day denim-on-denim look, as she returned to the bay. She kept it cool and casual, as she wore distressed denims along with a tucked in denim shirt. The Kabir Singh actress paired her ensemble with nude heels and a pair of oversized sunnies. When it comes to fashion accessories, she chose a petite Dior saddle bag, which costs a whopping $3,250. The look was classy, sophisticated and sporty which won all our hearts. So we can safely say that, denim on denim is an evergreen fashion ensemble and one can never go wrong with it. So, when in doubt, denim-on-denim is your go-to choice! Don't you agree?
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As Claire aims to leave her oppressive stepfamily behind, she befriends Zion. Will he be her ticket to freedom or a distraction in achieving her dreams?
Claire Olsen has had a crush on Zion Petrakis since the first time she laid eyes on him, but he never noticed, instead only having eyes on the school's it girl, Maddie Jennings. Knowing she couldn't compete with Maddie, Claire hid her feelings for Zion, satisfied with admiring him from afar. However, when a series of events led Claire closer to Zion, her feelings for him grew from infatuation to love. And despite fighting hard to keep her feelings contained by distancing herself from Zion, he was determined to show her that he's earned a spot in her life.
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