Matt and Tina are back in this sequel to Virus Kids. After living normal lives in Raccoon City's suburbs, the T-virus hits the city with a vengeance. Can Matt, Tina, and Sherry escape the city without the help from an old enemy?
Author's Introduction: When asked to chose between Resident Evil 1 and 2, I would usually chose RE 2 simply because I was introduced to the main characters (Leon and Claire) before I actually played the game. Don't get me wrong, I love the original game, Jill Sandwich and all (I've never played REmake, so maybe if I ever do, it'll change my opinion). But when it comes between the new games and the classic games, I'm really on the fence about that argument. While the newer games (RE 4 and 5) have much better graphics, the reason I liked the classic games in the first place was because I didn't have to deal with my terrible shooter skills. I hope I bring some old and some new in this sequel, which will cover the events of RE 2, 3, and possibly Code Veronica.