When the reader an old friend of Todoroki, get added to the 1-A groupchat on accident, it throws her into a world of villains and action. Which she's spent her whole life running away from. But it also throws romance and a few very attractive heroes in training her way. Score! It starts as a chatfic and goes into a normal story so stay with me here. Mentions of usual blood gore death + a gun Cannon died along with my circadian rhythm. I'm rewriting some bits so I can plan a secret.... Third book AHHHH I took it off of public for a while but I'm releasing chapters as soon as I can and once I'm done editing book one and two then I'll start working on three!!!!!!!!!!! The main differences between og and new versions are the characterization of the main character is more accurate to book 2 and also a whole lot less cringe and updated humor. I like to think of this as an action comedy!All Rights Reserved