**She-ra Season Five Spoilers**
Entrapta needs a break.
Sure, they're in the middle of an intergalactic war right now with an alien race that all look so much like the one person she misses the most, and everyone is counting on her calculations and inventions to save them and she really can't afford a break, but... It's hard to focus, and she's barely got time to rest, or play with the tech she's gathered. So she decides to take a walk, while everyone else is asleep.
In a nearby Horde base, a clone is pacing in the spire's shadow, out of the way of the patrol. His hair is slipping out of the tight hairstyle that the Horde enforced, and his hand is clenched tightly, but very delicately, around a purple crystal that he just can't seem to throw away, or forget about. His head is swirling with thoughts and flashes of memories that he knew that he should not be having, that he would have to be reconditioned for yet again if Big Brother found out. He needs to get out, to be able to think without having to also worry about his brothers seeing him. Pulling his hood over his head, he walks out of the camp and into the woods.
What happens when those persistent purple memories draw something out of the clone, and remind him of what he used to be?
(Shoutout to my beta readers, its-chips and GarnetRose22!)