In the midst of one school year, in the town of Cassian Hollow in Oregon, four teenagers Aimee Waters, Olly Bright, Cara Pinkerton, and Peter Ambrose find comfort solving the mysteries that doom their town while dealing with Cystic Fibrosis, first love, owning a Bed & Breakfast, drug lords, friendship, gangs, and most importantly. . . Murder.
*These are spin-offs to Riverdale, The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina, Bates Motel, and Nancy Drew but the Emma Roberts movie.*
Avalon, the youngest of the Jones family and only sister to Jughead Jones. Hates people her age, loves her brother, and can't seem to figure things out. This story is about a young girl obsessed with the murder of her best friend, Sian, when he was brutally stabbed to death back in 2018. Can this girl find her way back home even after being kidnapped by a certain somebody? What about with anxiety and an abusive dad on the side? Does she even want to go back home, knowing what's there?
"I can do this," I thought. Then: "And even if I can't, I have to."