Jade Reyes, a seventeen year old aspiring model from New York and friend of the Sway Boys, is contacted by TalentX Entertainment to move in to the Sway House with her Best Friends Cynthia Parker and Nessa Barrett. She soon falls for her friend Chase Hudson, who, as Cynthia and Nessa know, is a bit of a player. But she hopes to change his pattern of infidelity. Get ready for events, drama, love and even a little mystery if i feel like it. Welcome... to Sway L.A.
(don't expect Kio or Griffin in this because their spots have been taken by Chase and Payton. but don't worry, still softish still happened, that's where the drama plays in.)
To Have and To Hold: A Bryce Hall Fanfiction •completed•
44 parts Complete
44 parts
Kate makes a move from the Midwest to LA and meets the Sway boys. Join her as she navigates a new environment, new friends, a little bit of romance, and a whole lot of drama.
when you're done here, check out the sequel!!