Step into the tumultuous world of high school, where Samantha is a self-proclaimed nerd who carries the heavy burden of being an outcast. In the eyes of the school community, she's the girl with no friends, mercilessly labeled as hideous and given the unkind moniker of "dorky girl" by her schoolmates. Enduring relentless bullying, Samantha had the unwavering support of her family, a source of guidance and happiness in her life. However, just when she thought her life couldn't get any worse, an unexpected turn of events shattered her world, bringing new misery even within her own family.
In a quest for justice, she must piece together the enigmatic puzzle of her life. Along the way, she'll confront her bullies, unearth family secrets, and confront her own inner demons. The shattered fragments of her existence gradually assemble into a tale of resilience, empowerment, and redemption. As she unravels the mysteries of her past, she'll discover the strength within herself, ultimately transforming her life and those around her.
The Devils Hell University (Published under Bliss Books)
63 parts Complete
63 parts
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The hidden daughter of the Parkers, Devi, longs for acceptance and happiness from her family. When her father sends her to the Devil's Hell University, she thinks it's her chance to prove being bait to lure and kill her family's mortal enemy, Demon Lewisham.
As daughters are forbidden in the Parker family, Devi is tired of living in the shadows. But finding a way for the love and acceptance she so desperately needs comes in the form of luring in her family's mortal enemy at the Devil's Hell University-a school for criminals. Demon is a devil with a heart of ice, but when Devi finds herself wanting it beneath his cold and ruthless exterior, she's faced a decision she doesn't want to make. What will be her choice-Demon, the love of her life, or her family?
DISCLAIMER: This story is written in Taglish.