The hardest period in life is the transitioning from a teenager to an adult. Most would think Senior year to be the core of this change, but it all starts in 11th grade once you begin to realize how important life really is. Sometimes there is so much going on at once that you cannot force yourself to focus on one thing and by spreading yourself out too thin you begin to neglect parts of your life. And this leads to stress. A lot of it. Eventually you feel like you are the only one going through this, but in reality. You're not. Every teen around you between the ages 16-18, maybe even younger, are experiencing the same thing. Maybe in their own little ways, but it isn't a lie. Everyone goes through their own problems, and whether they are the same as yours or not, they are there. And it is about time the world is aware of this. You are not the only one with situations, including family, school, friends, boyfriends/girlfriends, or even yourself, that literally cause your brain to explode. So here is our stories of Junior Year.
"කේතුර් දන්නවද මම කේතුර්ට
කොච්චරක් ආදරෙයි කියල ?"
"හැමතිස්සෙම වචනෙන් නොකිව්වත් සර්ගෙ ඇස් මගේ ඇස් එක්ක පැටලෙනකොට ඒ දිලිසෙන ඇස්වලින් මට පේනවා සර් මට කොච්චර ආදරෙයිද කියලා."
ආදරේ වැඩියෙන්ම දැනුනේ මගහැරුණු හිත්වලට....ආදරේ වැඩියෙන්ම කරෙත් ඒ මගහැරුණු හිත්මයි.
#3 in care out of 123k stories
#1 In Boylove
#3 in friendships
#1 in stress
#2 in funny out of 9.37k stories
#21 in Care
#3 in teacherxstudent
#3 in stress out of 7.2k stories
#5 in friendship out of 236k stories