Follows Ōmatsu Ryōichi, a returning Shinigami of the 11th Division. It's been a long 107 years since the death of the 7th Kenpachi, a lot has changed and Ryōichi must start from scratch: a new captain, new seat and a new Zanpakutō. She promised to do right by her late father by defeating the current Kenpachi but her strength is no longer what it used to be. Meanwhile, a hidden enemy pulls strings from the shadows. [Zaraki x Oc] ? Idk, he's cool. - (15+) May contain strong language and sexualised scenes. - Disclaimer: I don't own Bleach, those rights belong to Tite Kubo. I only own Ōmatsu Ryōichi and other oc that may be introduced. This story starts bit before Aizen's betrayal.
6 parts