In the beginning, we are thrust into this world an innocent infant. Our words are spoken as slurs and whines, our feelings expressed through tears and giggles, and our actions guided and controlled.
As we grow older our minds expand, our intelligence heightens, our understanding broadens, and our will either breaks, or strengthens. This is the middle. The stage in life where memories are made, and the world seems perfect and bright.
And finally comes our end. The time when our journey stops, our clock drains, our boat sinks. Our last day is either the best of our life, or the worst. For some, it creeps upon them, and happily accepts them as a friend. But for others, the end leaps, and sinks it's dark claws into our souls, claiming them for itself.
But what happens after the end? Our entire existence, we ask ourselves this. We fret, wondering if we will go to the good place, or the bad place. We become paranoid, our every move is careful, calculated, our options are weighed, and as our end draws close, with our last breath, we beg for forgiveness. We beg for a salvation and yet noone can prove our pleas are acknowledged. Noone can prove that salvation is real.
The story of a girl
An unknown world
An untamable love
An a fight for survival