After centuries of peace between the plethora of undead living within the city of Los Angeles, a new threat emerges from the dark, laying waste on every undead it could get its foul grasps onto. None has survived its assault, its maul. Bodies lays dead, ravaged to pieces.
When a member of L.A. most revered werewolf clan, the Rigotti Family, were killed in such a gruesome manner no monsters among their ranks has ever achieved, they called upon the city's best investigator to work. Although quite uninterested in the nature of the case, he agreed, having nothing else to do for the week.
Richard Courts came to the scene with his trusty assistant, Bidwell, and proceed as usual, examining the body of the late Alejandro Rigotti, who was mauled to bits by a force unknown to man, and the undead. Courts went on to investigate what monster could inflict such damage, that could do such horror unrivaled by his own kind.
With a lot in hands, they will face a multitude of problems and a load more things that could spiral out of hands easily. A lot more things.
Who knows what's in store for them?
In this world beings called yo-kai exist causing all sorts of problems for humans. Yo-kai are invisible to the human eye so to see them you'd have to use a legendary forbidden tool hidden in the human world. But just what is this tool and what would happen if a certain person found it and the yo-kai lurking about this world?