[Himouto! Umaru-chan is a Japanese manga series by Sankaku Head. It began serialization in Shueisha's seinen manga magazine Weekly Young Jump on March 14, 2013. It has been collected in twelve tankōbon volumes. An alternative version was serialized for two chapters in Shueisha's monthly magazine Miracle Jump in 2012. Please Support The Official Release] [Go To The Bottom To See What's The Difference To The Story] A Story about a Toddler named Chuun Qurezz. Chuun is a lazy bun imouto who lives with her sister Karin. All she does is play video games drink gallons of cola and stuff her mouth with chips. But she's very different outside as she can transform to a more patient and beautiful person. Literally as she can grow up to a highschool teenager, as a teen she's perfect in everything. Her school praises her the neighbors adore her and the people around are so inspired by just looking at her beauty. Months after she discovered her potential she discovered that she has more than two forms she can use. Now. She can turn to- A Lazy Toddler An Energetic Loli A Smart Beautiful Teenager And A Responsible Matured Adult. 4 Forms 1 Body. How Fun!All Rights Reserved