Military has structure. A manual of arms and moving parts to allow itself to be flexible for the situation on hand. Being a PMC didn't really make you live by those kind of factors however. Sure, you went by code and followed the directions as well as you supposed to, but it was as strict as an actual military body...
Iraq, already hostile with unpredictable with its current climate of terrorism and conflict, is about to become a little more intimate with you. As the platform of your contract suddenly twists for the worse, and oddly more personal as some new members to your unit are added.
A Polish girl with green hair sees that your unit is "too" structured and dependent on the rules laid out, and insists in some changes, she just needs to convince everyone around her that she's right...
... With the success of "Not Third Place", I've decided to start working on the secondary project of this hobby. Rainbow Six Siege...
A Y/N was rescued from XOF by a soldier who became his father. He was then raised like a soldier by a great family. Only for that family to be stripped from him in a single event. Years later during the war he chooses to help the war instead of get his revenge. Will he get his revenge?
A CoD: Ghosts x R6 world: SEALs M!Reader x R6 (female operators) + Quiet (MGSV)
All characters belong to their respective publishers.