The story takes place right after the incident involving Bitfrost organization regarding the governmental issues, as for this time the story follows a former guns for hire who recently work under the direct control of foreign affairs, has just assigned to the public safety bureau as an inspector of division 1 to investigate the case regarding the events that recently occured among immigrants while there are prices tagged on every head of the Public safety bureau members . Meanwhile, the fugitives from penitentiary are still on the loose and a psychic is holding an important role for their escape, just what could the new inspector possibly do regarding all of this events? ________________________________________________________________________________ This is the fanfiction I made based on the original character I made a few days ago while I just finished Psycho-pass 3 first inspector, despite this fanfiction will set place right after the ending of the canon one first inspector, I fully recommended that you watch it first before you could read this fanfiction in case you don't wanna get spoiled by a minor things, cause there will be some spoilers included in here. Well of course, all credit goes to their respective owner of the psycho pass series, except for this story and the OCs, there are made by me.All Rights Reserved