They called me crazy, I'd turn their way. They called me insane, I'd quirk an eyebrow. They called me deranged, I'd chuckle. But when they would mutter psychotic I would smile, and then just as they would let their guard down, I would pounce. For they are simply a pawn in my game of cat and mouse, and unfortunately for them they are the mouse.
The Vixen is what they called her, or maybe IT, would be more accurate, for no person could be as inhuman as she. For those, that have made her acquaintance, are those who were never seen again.
It's 2100, exactly 50 years after humans became aware of the existence of fae, or as some call them, supernaturals. The humans and supernaturals have a treaty, albeit a very loose treaty. Simple as this, the humans have their territory, and the supernaturals have theirs. Each continent, country, state, and city is split, in order to ensure the division between the two. Of course there are some supernaturals and humans alike that don't like the rules set in the treaty, and so they ignore them. That's why The Hunters were created. They are a group of elite humans that kill anyone that breaks the treaty, because an all out war would mean the extinction of both species. The Hunters train their whole lives to become the strongest, fastest, and most cunning of all humans, to ensure the stability of the treaty. One hunter is especially known, The Vixen.
The Vixen will find out that no matter how hard you try, people are born with emotions and they can never fully be turned off. She will find that there might just be one person that can truly understand her insanity, and love her even more for it. For there's something hiding behind those ocean eyes that only he can bring forth.