Flashes of a dream from the night before played in my head head while I worked, knowing I needed to focus on the course the ship was flying, but it wouldn't stop. Heat. Skin. Sweat. Hands on me. Hair slipping through my fingers. Hips and tongues, nails and whimpers in the dark of a bunk that wasn't mine. I wanted it so bad. So bad in fact that I'd woken up in a sweat that morning and couldn't get back to sleep, forcing an early jog before the rest of my band woke for the daily missions briefing. I ran the length of Deck C almost four times over trying to get the images out of my head, to get Harry out of my head. And he didn't help my problem at all- it was a game to him, to flirt with me in class, let his hands linger on my ribs when he adjusted the harness of my flight suit. I wasn't innocent, we were both playing the game, we both knew the other wanted it, but I was a cadet and he was my captain, and rules were rules.
Or, an entirely self-indulgent AU where Harry is a well known prodigal Captain on the space craft Samson, a battle ship fighting to end the reign of the Hock Organization, a powerful and sinister militia. Claire is a fresh faced cadet from Earth who knows what she wants. And having each other makes the void of space a little less lonely.