The next chronicle
  • קראו 21
  • הצבעות 1
  • חלקים 2
  • Time <5 mins
  • קראו 21
  • הצבעות 1
  • חלקים 2
  • Time <5 mins
מתמשך, First published מאי 24, 2020
john is a space worker on the moon and is a single father of 2 kids that live on earth in the year 2200. The kids are twins and the mother died. (or maybe not:))
He's kids live now by ther aunt and mostly go exploring and find things that they aren't supposed to know. The father john works on the moon to find a new energy powerplant for the planet earth. 
Lets see how they'll come out of this.

this will be my first story, so lets see how far it will go ;)
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