Things you should know first:
- There are half demons and half angels, witches and sirens, trolls and basilisks, dragons and banshees.
- Their purpose: Unknown. What is anyone's purpose anyway?
-There are no werewolves (very unfortunate, their physique is beautiful) and zombies, unicorns and leprechauns, vampires and bogeymen.
- There are three ruling parties:
Hestia, the ruler of half demons.
Named after the Greek Goddess of
fire she could probably end the
world with one look. Fairly good
leader but as you know they always
have other motives
Demonica, the ruler of half angel.
named after no one cause she's a
bad bitch and could probably
kill an army with her beauty. Type
of leader: unknown but she's into
some skeptical things. Is Hestia's
sister and the hate runs as deep as
-Both sisters have to have three representatives, preferably male (rolls eyes)
Lastly, the counsel, made up of a
group of highly
intelligent beings. Rulers of those
who don't follow either of the
1. Madam Gousel: Awfully stern
with the best
research skills. Ability: retain
knowledge. Almost 35, is a half
2. Sarah Von Viel: three words to
describe her personality: is a
happy catlady by choice. Ability:
scientifically inclined.
3. Timotheè Flynn Fitzgerald, the
youngest of the group, 20. Ability:
Mentalist.Can be such a
dirtbag, he's lucky he's hot.
You can choose whichever character you want to be, if you choose Maeve Catherine Talton, you're fucked babe. You can be anyone- the one you relate to most but don't bitch about it when the author kills you off tragically. Personally, the author relates most to as plant as she is irrelevant :o jk it's because her parents always let her grow, watering the soil and allowing her to flourish. Okay, love you bye ♡