This story takes place in a mystical land, confined between mountains and sea... hidden among a thick mist of clouds and trees, that of which make it difficult, close to impossible for whoever decide to venture, to not get lost.
At the other side of the mist there is the land of the kingdom of Lamuria, with it's crystalline water that runs down a never ending lake athrough the hills, it's sacred temples,from more than 1000 years ago, it's houses, some of which carved into the mountains, others built on the water, some others in the air.
The people of Lamuria, originally, even if different form one another, to the shape of their eyes,from the shape of their ears, their height, the all had a common physical trait... the Lamurians had grey silver colour hairs and hypnotics deep blue eyes... but, after the Great War took place, the shamans of the four elments, air, water, fire and earth cursed the entire population and it's generation, to live their lives without the ability to dominate all the elements, but only their dominant one.
Everyone was cursed , except one.... the hero of the Great War, that later on, was crowned emperor of the Kingdom of Lamuria by the four shamans of the elements.
After the Great War was over, the four Lords or the elements, that fought at the side of the emperor, demanded to be independent from the capital of the Kingdom,, began the rise of foul of the Kingdom...Eldom.
This was a turning point for the Kingdom that never was was the start of over 200 years of peace.