In a small world full of ordinary humans a zombie apocalypse is not exactly welcome. Yet with hardly a warning the Adell Sibling's lives are thrown into chaos as undead creatures threaten to overwhelm them. There is no time to adjust to the new reality that monsters scour the earth, they can only run, survive, and help who they can along the way. So many questions hang in the air. Who is the terrifying stranger in Jade's dreams? Will Connor come to grips with abilities that frighten him? Can Rider get his family to safety before it is too late? Shouldn't there be more corpses about if people are being eaten? Darkness hides around every corner and some shadows come with teeth. But what is more frightening is the entity that lurks just out of view. Perhaps the world is not so small as they originally thought. Perhaps there is some truth to the stories of that which hides in the dark.All Rights Reserved