WorkCover or work compensation can provide benefits to employees who get injured or sick at their job. But how can you claim WorkCover? Here is a simple guide. Here's how you can make a WorkCover claim: 1. Visit a doctor for treatment and inform him about the event of injury. 2. Report the injury to your employer in writing within 30 days of the injury. 3. If you do not need to take any time off but want WorkCover to pay for the medical expenses, you should lodge a WorkCover claim form with your employer. 4. On the other hand, if you need to take time off work because of your injury, the WorkCover claim form must be accompanied by a certificate of capacity by your doctor. 5. Once you have lodged the WorkCover claim, the employer has 10 days to forward the documents to their WorkCover claims agent. Visit us online at .All Rights Reserved