10 parts Ongoing The UMA Special Task Force, short for the Unidentified Mysterious Animals Investigation Unit, was once a hidden division under the 507 Bureau, dedicated to investigating sightings of cryptids and unexplained phenomena. It's not the kind of organization that ordinary people cross paths with-except, inexplicably, for Lila Ling.
As the recently reunited daughter of the CEO of Jindong Group, Lila Ling was expected to return to a life of luxury and power. But instead of boardrooms and business deals, her life has taken an unforeseen turn. While accompanying a wilderness mystery TV show crew on various expeditions, Lila Ling has encountered a shocking number of legendary creatures, making her a regular guest of the UMA Task Force.
Could the infamous fungal infection from "Resident Evil" actually exist in nature?
Are there species that can transform humans into horrific zombie-like hosts?
Is the neurotoxin of corpse-carrying insects capable of inducing vivid hallucinations?
What if the creatures behind global lake monster sightings aren't dinosaurs, but something far stranger?
As Lila Ling grows more intrigued by the cryptic discoveries, the head of the UMA Task Force, Captain Zane, grows increasingly suspicious of her.
Why are all recent sightings happening around Lila Ling?
How did someone who was missing for ten years suddenly develop such an unusual connection to these phenomena?
What is she really after?
#To kill you all.#