17 Partes Concluida In a small town an indigenous family is set up , chastised and chased out of the Only home they ever knew, their only escape was a forest that divided the town from the rest of the world, to there they fled. Though the Forest was searched numerous of times no bodies were found nor was there ever word if they made it through the other side but Since then strange things have been happening like talk of the Forrest being haunted by the family,witness reporting seeing once missing people coming out the forest with spears lodge through their bodies.Several years passed and this event became more of an tragic folklore than an actual event,but when twins go missing the tragedy returns to surface once more and three young adults take it upon themselves to find their friends and uncover the truth once and for all.
WARNING: This book contains examples of abuse, self harm,etc. These examples may be triggering . VIEWERS DISCRETION IS ADVISED.