We have a way of getting what we want,especially if you grew up poor. I Thandaza and My friends,Zanele and Bongeka grew up with nothing but abuse. Day in Day out,We literally didnt do anything about it but there's this man called God. God will help you through everything,His timing is always perfect. It may not be now but surely close to the finale. We have to wait and Patience is given then. Me and my friends dream of A nice life and all that. Yes I agree we don't always go for happily ever afterwards. And I did want a happily ever after but what changed my mind is that we don't always get what we want when we want. So I've gotta make myself happy. In fact let's all do what makes us happy and after all the phrase goes like this"Do what makes your soul happy". For what reason why I left my old life(Chuckles)Put the past behindl you,Let your life and soul come first. And that's how ll put it.