Brian and Shona Hanby have been together since the beginning of their lives. They grew up together, learned together, played together, recorded together, moved together, and relaxed together. They were inseparable.
During their teenage years, they're parents moved to the United States from Ireland. Luckily, it was the same town that a lot of Brian's online gaming buddies were also going to school. The group soon accepted both of the twins as one of their own. But, parts of the past mix with the present and bring a whole bunch of new problems to the group's plate.
Hai! I've been writing this story for years, admittedly. I wrote it all through high school and now my first year of college as a gift for a friend online. As I'm starting to finish it up, I've decided to start uploading some of the chapters. I don't own any of the following characters: Wildcat, Delirious, CartoonZ, Scotty, Moo, Marcel, Vanoss, Mini, Brian, Lui, Nogla, or Nogla's siblings.
This story was written to fulfill a debt I owed to my friend online. I'm not on ROBLOX any more and have no way to give them this book without it being censored. (We all know about ROBLOX's unnecessary censorship.) And so, Cookies, if you're reading this; this is the story you asked for!
After MacKenzie joined the group, found love with Evan, and is now part of the family, Wildcat has found the girl of his dreams! She's perfect for his wild side! He loves her, and she loves him. Join in on Marcie and Wildcat's adventures as she slowly find love.. But one question remains.. Will everyone enjoy the new company? Or will it all go down hill and it not work out very well..?
I hope you like this book!! It's the sequel to Rescuers, so if you found this book, and haven't read that yet, GO NOW!!! It will make a lot more sense if you do!!
I hope you enjoy!! Thank you all so much!!