"A Journey, no matter the size, is meaningless to those whom naturally lack the spirit to step upon a new reality. It simply sits there with arms opened wide, waiting for that fundamental baby step toward the unknown. Into a place where life searched for truth, seeking the answer no living soul could ever hope to reveal. Mysteries that remain nonexistent, discoveries in need of detainment, and the true history of the outside world, resided beyond the sight are eyes could ever attempt to comprehend. Be that as it may, is it all worth it? To step into such a world where anything could possibly happen? Within an endless labyrinth filled with innominate treasures beyond our wildest expectations? As remnants of Humankind, we're only a microscopic organism to many other creatures that we have not been able to witness at first-hand. Humans reigned supreme over this planet, waging wars against one another over supremacy. Continuously going about their little matters throughout this entire region, oblivious to whom or what could be lurking within thine very shadows. We are not alone, that much is surely certain. But even so, this is nowhere near the true history that incapacitated our home world. And yet, further beyond the sight of Earth's divine heavens rested the infinite blackness, an endless void with millions of specks in the formation of twinkling lights. They scattered everywhere within their own 'home', millions of light years away from the other. The cosmos was a delicate field of vision, silent as the grave, and yet, mysterious as the deep blue sea. But, what lies within this darkness is the history of our very own Universe, with other intelligent life forms roaming within this never-ending vacuum. However, woe to every life-form that thirst for the undeniable truth, for the deity of 'Light' and 'Darkness' will surface upon our land in the far future."
Hikaru Kazimake~
Author Note: I hope you find this story treasurable for the mind and body.