LiLi thought retirement would be peaceful. Just her and her husband Patrick in Florida, spending their time in the sun. But one morning, LiLi overhears a call Patrick answers. It upends her life.
As she's turning she hears Patrick's cell phone ringing.
That darned phone! He never answers it! She feels the frustration rise in her. The heat from her anger rises from her toes to her neck. She takes her first step back to the armchair.
"Hello?" She pauses. That's strange. Patrick never answers his phone. But she stops to listen in. "Yes, yes. I'll meet you at Motel Nine. I won't be late."
She almost shouts. What motel? Who's Patrick talking to?
Her husband continues. He clears the snot from his throat. I hate that sound. A sudden revulsion enters her mind. The image of Patrick making love to that woman. It must be her. She thinks to herself.