This is a book of discussion articles dedicated in detailing the three minor non-canon pairings in Dragons: Race to the Edge: Minlout (Snotlout/Minden), Heathlegs (Fishlegs/Heather), and Ruffthrok (Throk/Ruffnut). In this book, we'll discuss the overall summaries of these pairings, their history, their relationship dynamics, and also the general reaction of the pairings from the overall Fandom. We'll also be going into the minute details as to why these pairings should be together, and also why they weren't able to be together in the canon (other than the fact that the TV franchise isn't canon according to DreamWorks).
If you guys are interested in any or all of these pairings, please come and give my book a look and participate and take part in my blog. If you have any suggestions, corrections, additions, etc concerning any of my blogs that I might've forgotten or overlooked, please let me know.
I'll also be posting them on my Tumblr account: