6 parts Ongoing In "Fury of Love," the story follows the journey of Leon, the son of the renowned businessman Ellison. Leon, who carries the weight of losing his mother in a tragic accident, harbors deep resentment towards his father, leading him to adopt a persona characterized by rudeness, cruelty, and isolation. His solitary existence is marked by a lack of trust in others, as he believes no one truly comprehends his inner turmoil. However, his life takes an unexpected turn when he encounters Elif, a girl who breaks down his emotional barriers and teaches him to trust and love again. Their connection becomes Leon's newfound purpose, offering him a reason to embrace life once more. Yet, as fate unfolds, unforeseen events transpire, leading Leon to experience yet another loss, shattering the newfound hope Elif had ignited within him.
Don't judge the story from start . First read and then give the review.