Step into the mysterious world of 'Immortal Bites,' where the enigmatic orphan, Zero, finds herself embraced by the love of Mr. and Mrs. Uy. Beneath the surface of their kindness lies a web of secrets, and as Zero digs deeper into the shadows, she discovers the haunting truth about her parents' demise. Amidst the twists of fate, a love story blooms, entwining Zero with a mysterious lover from a world unknown. Yet, Zero herself is no ordinary inhabitant of this realm. Will their forbidden love defy the boundaries that separate their worlds? Join us on a journey filled with suspense, love, and the unknown. "Immortal Bites" promises to captivate your imagination and leave you craving for more. Dare to uncover the secrets that lie within, as Zero's destiny unfolds in this tantalizing tale. KEEP READING!