"Are ya lost there stranger? you look like a new face- oh. oh! Seems you have some soul to gamble away. Come, sit, first round is on me, I insist.."
This is an old western + fantasy roleplay. Taking place in the town known as 'Lost', you will be lucky to find a friendly face or a helping hand. If you are that lucky, let's test that luck of yours.
The town is not well known at all, nearly invisible and far away as possible from nearby settlements of other fantasy bloodlines. This is where those that don't mingle well with the other places come and form together in their own ranch or shop, living their lives amongst their own kind. Here you may find demons, teiflings, shape shifters, occasional humans, vampires, werewolves, etc. Here they found them a place to fit in and live at somewhat peace.
are ye a local? or are ya a stranger?
"So where you from stranger? looking for a job or a story.. I would hate to disappoint, but this is where many stories come to their end."