Hi my name is McKayla and I want to tell you about my life story IT all started in Elementary School I was sitting at my desk and there he was a boy named Jake who i had a big crush on I knew him for 6 years and I thought to myself it is time tell him how I feel I was so nervous then I went to desk over and told him that I like him turns out he liked me to I was nervous for nothing we set together at night we played outside together finally we went back to class he passed me and no it said would you like to go to the dance with me I replied yes and I gave him my phone number when the bell rang it was time to go home he walked me home and we talked and talked and held hands finally we reached our journey my house we let go of each other hands and we say goodbye I rushed in the house and told my mom about my day then I went to my room and did my homework Waiting for the phone to ring and waiting and waning 2 hours past I finish my homework the phone still has a range then finallyPublic Domain