Azurein Flammia Everything is peaceful and quiet ( too quiet ) and... its boring! And this is why I wanted an escape, an escape from this mundane lifestyle. I tried to make them understand how much frustrated I was...but they never understood! They wanted me to be protected at all times, from what??? They never were interested to let me know that. I've had it enough, already. Now, its time to run.. Aizen Donovan It's been so long... I miss my home, Dad and Janet. All the things are in place, just the last batch is left and then I'll be back home. If only it was that easy to find the blood warriors in their fledgling forms. Being a blood singer it should be easy for me to recognize one even from a distance, their blood calls to me. Ohh, how I wish I find them real quick and be back at my home, between the people I belong with!
8 parts