There was once a time, where magic wasn't hidden, people in fact, embraced it. These people lived typically in France, Italy, and Greece. Magic was not uncommon to find in someone, but people became greedy with their magic, and as they grew smarter, their greed grew. People began hiring mages for their armies.
Magic was a gift from the gods, people learned to do incredible things with this power. The most powerful mages in history came together and created two new races of mage, Light (Fos) and Dark (Skotadi) users, they were the yin and yang meant to help lead and guide the mages with their magic.
Skotadi believed the mages should use their magic for battle and selfish needs, Fos believed they should use it to help others and bring peace, a great war broke out which resulted in the genocide of the two races, or so people believed for many years.