41 parti Completa Per adulti"Guys, I got another note," I say as I sit down at lunch. Vanessa and Xander were here but Hazel was missing. "Where's Hazel?" I question, eyeing her empty seat.
"Out with Adam today, it's Friday," Xander says whilst I munch on my sandwich. "Did you say you got another note?" He asks and I hold my finger up and try to swallow my food as quickly I can so I can speak again.
"Yeah, this one says, 'You look so beautiful in blue, I wish I could say this in person,' I really want to know who's playing this prank," I say and my eyes fall to the only prankster in Waterstone Academy, Sebastein.
"I don't think it is Sebastien, he loves attention and this doesn't scream attention," Vanessa says as my eyes land on him. But my eyes move from Sebastien quickly to the hottest man in Waterstone, Vincent. He has been bugging me for a week, trying to talk to me and he even asked me to come to Logan's party on the weekend. My eyes must have been drilling holes into his face because he turns in my directions. I quickly turn back to Xander and Vanessa who were talking about their Art projects.
"Okay, so if not Sebastien then who?" I voice my thoughts out loud.
"Maybe you have a secret admirer," Xander says in all seriousness and I burst out laughing. My laugh attracts some attention because 1) it was loud, 2) I snorted.
"Yeah right," I say once I sober up.
A secret admirer. Everyone wishes they had one but not Amara. Her secret admirer has been torturing her ex-bullies and even though that's what she wanted before, now all she wants is for it to stop. She doesn't want anyone getting hurt because of her, she knows how that feels and she doesn't wish that on anyone.
A hot boy and a secret admirer, Amara needs to figure out who her secret admirer before someone gets seriously hurt or even worse, killed.