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Her only way out is the Mafia boss, who'd kill for her.
Rosisin's boyfriend, Matteo, is a cruel and ruthless killer. When she catches the eye of his handsome boss, Antonio, things take a turn for the worst. Matteo becomes jealous, possessive and even stalks her. She wants to escape back home to Ireland, but her sadistic boyfriend will follow her anywhere.
Antonio comes up with a proposition; offering her a safe place to stay, where she'll be far from her stalker. Roisin will have to trust that Antonio will protect her.
He's everything that Matteo isn't; caring, thoughtful, sharing and puts Roisin's needs first. Day by day, she finds her attraction towards him growing. But how long will she be able hide from Matteo before he finds her? And how will Roisin deal with the dangers of being associated with the Mafia?