13 parts Ongoing eudaimonia - pronounced "ˌyüdēˈmōnēə" (noun)
meaning: ultimate fulfillment, happiness, etc.
can also be used in the context of a strong desire to travel
Io is not normal. She is aware of the things that the servants and handmaidens say about her. She also doesn't care.
She just wants to leave.
It all changes, however, when she gets exactly what she wished for, but at a price. Years of turning away suitors led her parents to take her life in their own hands, and they shipped her off to the other side of the world to carry out an arranged marriage with the handsome Prince Caspian, heir to the Shah of the Sand Nomads. Io knew that as far as future husbands went, she lucked out. Caspian was kind and considerate-however, the only issue was that on the day of their wedding, his older sister, Callisto, would be sacrificed in honor of their marriage. Io didn't like murder to begin with, but as she befriended Callisto, she realized that she didn't want to say goodbye just yet.
They all go on a trip together to celebrate their last bit freedom, but somewhere along the way, their wanderlust takes control and they run away to explore the world on their own terms.
But when no one is there to keep them from discovering certain places, they learn many things about both them and their pasts: they aren't who they think they are. The more secrets that come out, the less they want to return.
But knowledge is dangerous, and once it's discovered, there is no going back.
Huge thanks to @blvxxie for cover design!