Despite the fact that Kathy's life revolves around her job, she still manages to get herself tangled up in a full blown mystery that includes and affects her personal life more than anything. Even though she is a Junior Investigator for her local Police Force, and is trained in handling difficult situations and people, she still fails to notice the danger lurking just around the corner when she gets sucked into a delusional man's sick fantasies. When she fails to connect the dots between multiple different horrible events, she ends up missing important details and that turns out to be more dangerous than expected. Rule number one, never miss important details.
Ever since her Boss, Head Chief of Police Ryan Smith, has appointed her a new Partner. A brand new Junior Investigator straight out of the academy, her work performances have been skyrocketing as they close case after case together. Her Partner Jake and she take on a case of a notorious man in the area, which comes to be a big part of her everyday life when the Misses decides to kiss and tell. After she discovers a secret Mistress in the case, doubts and worries take over as the Misses becomes more and more suspicious. Rule number two, never trust a woman scorned.
Not an inch further into finding out who is messing with her in her private life, her work performance starts to decline as she gets sucked deeper into her very own mystery. Important documents stolen, continues threats on her life and eventually the innevitable mental breakdown. With multiple different loved ones acting suspicious, who is there left to trust?
Cindy Powell uses detective work that she learned from her father as a young girl in her job as a real estate mogul Benson Easton's assistant. Benson needs to know every detail about an associate before doing business with them. It's Cindy who digs up that information. When she has a complex case, she requests help from her police detective boyfriend, Sam.
While investigating several new possible clients for Easton Real Estate, she receives threatening messages. Someone has something to hide, and they'll do anything to keep their secrets buried. Cindy becomes targeted the deeper she delves into their life.
I wake up disorientated, with my head pounding. I touch the sensitive spot on my temple. My hands are extended and handcuffed to a water pipe. I take a moment to glance around the room that is now my prison. Slowly, everything comes back to me. How will Sam find me now? I gasp when I hear the door above me squeak open. I close my eyes while I listen to the heavy footsteps descending the stairs. "Please hurry, Sam," I whisper to myself in despair.