We stare at each other, unsure, for two whole seconds. My image, looking exactly like me, opens her mouth, then clamps it shut. She does this a couple of times, trying to come up with the right thing to say. I'm scared, hoping someone will pinch me. I mean, this must be a dream right?
"It must be!"
My eyes widen, realisng I just said this out loud.
"What must be what?" She asks, puzzled and startled at my sudden outcry.
How do you tell a person she's a dream?
Aideen Turner is the typical teenage girl with crazy thoughts and wild dreams. The only thing that causes her to differ from others is the intensity of her dreams. So of course, when Aidden finds a way to physically step into her mind, she thinks its a dream come true. She's meets her doppelganger, Deen, and reliving everything she thought of and wished for since her life began, Aideen finally reaches her biggest goal; to extend beyond reality. However, things go wrong when Terrible, the wicked lady that Aideen dreamt up years ago captures the queen, and takes control over everything. Aideen watches her beloved world quickly fall apart, she takes it as her duty to overthrow Terrible, and sets out on the wildest journey full of of the strangest encounters. It's her dream, and she knows she has the power to set it all right... before it becomes a nightmare.
(Completed: 5/9/2024)
The Dark One is on the move. Never seen, but always there. No one knows their name. No one knows if they're even a person. Some say they have been here since the beginning of time. Others say they appeared over night. One thing is for certain: it must be stopped or all is lost.
'Only the power of a firstborn twin can stop the dark one forever.'
This prophecy has been told for centuries. Every child knows it even little Alyssa who has just turned twelve years old and is finally old enough to go to Raven's School of Magic. Her parents are happy for her, but also haunted and protective due to the loss of her twin.
For years Ally has been plagued with sudden pain that leaves her unable to move or even scream. Bruises and lashes form on her body and people spread rumors that this was the mysterious power of the twin bond. Is this the case? Is her twin really alive? And is he somewhere suffering at the hands of the dark one?
Ally is soon chosen to be entered the good side of magic school as many expected. However, on the same night, a boy from a well-known evil family is chosen to be in the good side as well. Many people believe that this child is chosen by the Dark One to destroy them all. What will Ally do? Will she befriend the boy or will she turn her back on him?