A beautiful story between two people named Pepsi (Monika) and AmazingBanana (Xerx). It begins on ROBLOX Arsenal, where the two meet and struggle against each other for hours on end. Eventually, Pepsi became fed up with Banana and asked him for his tag on Discord. They finally met in text and teased each other on their skills, and chatted about the worst gun in the game (which both agreed to be the Autobow). The chats led to topics unrelated to Arsenal and became about what was going on in their lives and occasional serious talks. It was safe to say Monika and Xerx had become good friends. They were going to school one day when a blaring alarm was heard from their cities. Both knew that this meant to rush straight to the shelters. On the way to their designated underground locations, Xerx heard planes flying overhead and saw large objects, bombs, dropping onto the pavement. One dropped right near him...and he couldn't escape. Everything went black. Xerx woke up in a hospital bed badly wounded, but there was one thing that was strange. The whole interior was filled with guns of all kinds...and the Autobow. Wait, what?