Mekt Ranzz is or was a Legion of Super Villains and Imperiex as Lightning lord from the the planet Winath but then came to the planet earth he was only supposed to be on Earth for only a week but not a month for three month to exact. Ella wish is the adopt daughter of Star man she is and still is a superhero Comet Star who fell for a legion of super Villains but didn't know he was a Villain. And for three month they were in love and when he left she was with child but could not tell him because he left he never new that he had a daughter with this true love. Amber is the daughter of Mekt / Lightning lord and Ella / Comet star Amber has no idea who her father is but she know that she has her father power but his power was lightning but her power are Multicolor Lightning bolts and her multicolor lightning bolts are attach to her emotions so get Amber upset look out lightning bolts attack. I only own Catgirl /BlackShadow , Tigress / Dark Tiger , Ella wish / Comet star , and Amber wish / Lightning star .All Rights Reserved