I open my eyes to see nothing but darkness I sit up my mattress only to feel the bruises and cuts from last night letting out a groan I get up and stumble around to find the curtain and open it to let the sunlight in and revealing the small cold damp basement I call a room.
I wince as I make my way over to the cracked mirror that was stored down here tripping over my dad's old bike, and stubbing my toe on a box of my mother's old bowling ball. I whimper but continue stepping over a bunch of old junk from my parents.
I look in the mirror and see my tears welling up as I look at the damage they did to me this time.
I see my black hair all tangled and knotted from mother dragging me upstairs I notice my once crystal blue eyes dulled from the black eye on my right, and the bruise from when dad slapped me, I see the cut on my forehead from when mother threw the beer bottle. I sigh and raise my shirt to see more damage bruises and cut all over my stomach and it felt like my back was no better.
I suppose I should properly introduce myself just as everyone does.
My name is Eliza, but most people call me Eli.
I'm 19 and I'm rather small only 4'8 so yeah small.
I was going through college until my parents forced me to attend online.
my life didn't use to be this bad at first it was small mistakes or accidents and by that I mean sorry I didn't mean to slap you that hard but I was drunk and then it continued getting worse and worse soon it was just sorry and then nothing all I saw was the horrid looks of disgust from my parents as they beat me until I lost consciousness, but that changes tonight!
...To Be Continued...
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