Hi, my name is not important right now. What is important is that I can go to other dimensions because of how I was born. You see, I was born of both the allspark and the elements of harmony. This is how I came to be born, the allspark got sacked into a dimensional portal and was there for three long years. The allspark was able to leave the dimensional portal but the portal opened up over the elements of harmony tree and when they correlated with one other there was a blast that sent the allspark back to its original dimension and I was under the tree at the end of it all. When I opened up my eyes for the first time I had seen the portal close up and I had known what happened. And I know about what was about to happen to me when the portal closed so I started to take care of the elements of harmony after that so I can have something to do until I was able to use my magic to open another one of the portals. You have to read the book for more information. Ps, I got the idea for this book from TriforceDragons and I have ask them for permission to write this book.