1 part Ongoing MatureIn the magical city of Jubilee, Cassandra, a talented but outcasted witch, escapes the clutches of her abusive coven with the help of a mysterious stranger. As she navigates her new life, Cassandra discovers that her powers are more extraordinary than she ever imagined. Alongside her four soulmates, she begins to uncover the truth about her past and the dark forces that threaten their world.
As Cassandra's powers grow, so does the danger surrounding her. She soon realizes that her true enemy lies closer than she ever imagined, and that her journey is just beginning. With the fate of the magical world hanging in the balance, Cassandra must confront the shadows of her past and harness her powers to protect those she loves.
But as Cassandra delves deeper into the mysteries of her own abilities, she uncovers a shocking truth that could change everything she thought she knew. With the stakes higher than ever, Cassandra must navigate a treacherous path of deception and betrayal to uncover the ultimate truth and save her world from impending doom.