THE CUT THAT BLEEDS. ❝ Being the best libero on the volleyball team, Stella Lynn was no stranger to the sharp sting of bruised skin or the cold bite of freshly torn skin. Without hesitating, she could dive towards the hard linoleum gym floor to block the opposing team's point and dart across the court within seconds. Over the years, the bruises revealed her dedication to the sport she loved and her loyalty to her friends. She no longer winced at the feeling of her skin pinching together and pulsing in time with her fast heartbeat. She would no longer hold herself back from reaching whatever her mind desired, believing she could handle the pain of any path. However, she was soon proven wrong the night of the team's celebration party. Stella awoke from her drunken stupor to hands imprinting bruises against her swollen lips and limp thighs. With the whole town watching her broken figure under a microscope, Stella finds herself avoiding every school gathering that she once loved. In her desperate attempt to avoid the accusing eyes of those who thought of her as a liar, she sought out the company of the school loner. After all, who would dare confront her in the company of the stand-offish boy named Jasper Hale? ❞ PRE-TWILIGHT - TWILIGHT AU | JASPER HALE THE TWILIGHT SAGA AU ©pillowzzzzzzzzzAll Rights Reserved