Dear Calum,
Let's play a game. It's sorta of a classic, you may have heard of it before. It's called two truths and a lie. In each letter I send I will tell you three things about me and you will have to guess which one is the lie. There will be no need for you to send me a letter in response, I will just tell you in the following one which item was the lie. But you will read all the letters I send. You may want to know why and the answer is simply this, because if you don't I will tell the world all your secrets. I truly don't want to ruin your life or hurt you so please don't make me have to spill your secrets. All I simply want out of this is for you to read my letters and to hear my story.
So are you ready to begin?
1. I am a female.
2. We have only ever met once.
3. I am a fan of your band.
Do you know which is the lie?
Best Regards,