Being stuck in 1994 with each other takes a toll on Bonnie Bennett and Kai Parker. Eventually they return to the real world, only to end up trapped alone together in another prison world of Kai's personal design.
The Travelers and the Gemini Coven had hated each other for two thousand years. It made complete sense for Kai Parker to kill the last Traveler when she came up to him in the 1994 prison world... right?
Love interest: Kai Parker
with Lisa Marie Koroll as Vivianna Zima-Ruzicka
TVD S6 and onward.
All credit for original characters and original plot goes to Julie Plec for The Vampire Diaries and The Originals television series. I own only my OCs and select scenes not from the show. Thank you Julie, for creating the series. Thank you all, for reading.
Written from: Oct 28, 2021 - Nov 17, 2021
Highest Ratings :
#1 kaiparkerfanfic
#1 heretics
#1 redemptionarc
#1 prisonworlds
#1 thesalvatores
#1 siphoners
#1 thegeminicoven
#2 kaiparkerxoc
#5 travelers