Summary: Mikael "Ikea" Odenberg-Kjær was positive he was straight, turns out he was he wrong, because now he's in a bathroom stall freaking out about his newly found attraction to his same gender. And no! He was not in the mood for his brother to blast Micheal in the Bathroom. Speaking of his brother, Legolas Odenberg-Kjær, or Lego as everyone who wasn't in that weird club called him, is in love with his best friend Fjord, and just wants said bf...f to realize how drop dead gorgeous he is. Fjord Ueland on the other hand, thinks Lego can't be any wronger, Fjord is too tall and gangly to be even remotely beautiful, if only he could look like Fiskar with his curves and blue eyes and blonde hair, why couldn't Lego understand that he wasn't at all what the shorter said he was. Karmen "Fiskar" Rehn had the looks to be the most perfect girl, too bad he wasn't a girl... or at least not fully. He didn't like being called she or her, but he took pride in being able to bear children and being strong enough to deal with the shit show known as a menstrual cycle. His friends were accepting when he told them as much, as were his parents. Now the only problem was getting everyone else to accept it, especially his off and on again boyfriend Nikolai.