You have heard the story of Faramir, the son of the steward of Gondor. But have you heard of his best friend Maria Mayflower, the daughter of a high-ranking officer in Gondor's defenses?
Maria grew up close to Faramir due to them being the same age and both high-ranking in the system, she knew Boromir to but never saw him as anything but Faramir's brother. She had a deep love for books, songs, and the old tales of a more magical world. Along with Faramir, she built a treehouse in the forest outside the city walls, this was where they would spend their free time. They would read and sing until their hearts where satisfied, and it was during one of these reading days they stumbled upon the concept of a Bloodbeat bond.
A Bloodbeat bond is fairly simple to form, but must not be formed unless the friendship is true or the consequences will be disastrous for both parts. A Bloodbeat bond lets both participants feel the heartbeat of the other alongside their own, and feel how far from each other they are. Maria and Faramir succeeded in making this bond and promised to never be separated by anything.
But as with all promises, this was not easy to hold, especially when most things seeming to want to separate them...
((I do not own the universe or any characters beside Maria and others that I make up. The credit for the universe is going to Tolkien, obviously. I made up the concept of Bloodbeat bonds, so if you want to use that in your story DM me and ask for permission and credit me for making the concept.))